Sunday, December 8, 2019


There's a movement allegedly occurring in the U.S. to abolish racism, child labor, and human trafficking, but we're all full aware the factual agenda involves keeping it underground as always, in protocol dismissal of terminal religion poisoned public morale, case in point: Snickers.

"We've cleaned up our act 97%"

Right, that's what they all say, Lisa's Father. Let's all sing along.

Self-acclaimed "first YouTube celebrity" advertising Mars product after extensive rant on eco-consciousness and plans to engage organic bamboo clothing design career ( follows up with retaliatory cry for help to luxury hotel management after being called on it, in defense of "artists", whatever that is.

Maybe it's the thniggerman, I'm thinking. Oops, sorry, autocorrect, Thnickaman, did I get it right that time? Psyche, I'm not apologizing for this.

Or this.

Or this.