Monday, January 25, 2021

Notes on China

China's one child policy still exists. Extra children are taken to "orphanages" that are actually execution clinics. This is going on now. When caught "pregnant without permission" or after having already had one child, women are incarcerated and recieve forced abortion injection. So to prevent this, they commonly abandon the children in hopes that maybe there could be a slim chance, while also as common, female children are immediately killed, usually by drowning, on account of the economic advantage to having a boy. 2 female children are killed in China every minute. Since the one child policy began, fifteen million baby girls have reportedly disappeared, but what we know about reported numbers and medias gross misrepresentation of them can realistically step that figure up at least five more times, meaning seventy five million. What the average United States citizen really knows about the extent of the global pandemic is very very little. An approximated one million female children are abandoned across China every year.